Gumax-future movie in the making, For Love and Peace
Hi All
My final goal is to promote Global love and peace as explained in my Book-in process,"The Golden Egg" and the future Movie "Gumax"
GUMAX; true story from the Book"GOLDEN EGGS Equipped with Only eggs"AND his Dads words of Determination and"FIRE" Desire,he WINS GLOBAL LOVE AND PEACE .Its comic story of a humble boy-11 from "The Pearl of Africa",who up till then, had only known and seen PEACE and HAPPINESS instilled to him by his parents. Suddenly he is faces with WAR,Death and destruction and hunger.only to be encouraged by his Dad & MISSIONARIES from the US that with a burning desire and trust in God,the sky is the limit
"The Golden Egg";. book and movie' about the power of Determination, Dedication and "FIRE" Desire .Its a tragicomic story of a humble boy-11 from "The Pearl of Africa",who up till then, had only known and seen PEACE and HAPPINESS instilled to him by his parents. Suddenly he is faced with WAR,Death and destruction and hunger.only to be encouraged by his Dad & MISSIONARIES from the US that with a burning desire and trust in God,the sky is the limit.Engulfed with ALL challenges ;new weather ,immigration , disaster , he shrives and achieves his final desire Love and Peace
I am looking for a Director and writer